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Be Kind To Yourself

Self-care should be something that we lavish ourselves with on a regular basis but unfortunately too often, life gets in the way. Time never seems to be on our side and we can just feel too exhausted, fatigued, or just downright overwhelmed. We can feel under the weather for many reasons; financial stress, work, family, illness, grief, heartbreak, low self-esteem and even feeling guilty that we shouldn’t be indulging in ourselves.

Of course, everyone is different but these are what have worked for me so I hope it can help you too.

Time alone is important. That means no distractions, no unnecessary noise, and no dramas. We need to be able to switch off from everyday life for a while and declutter our mind from the busy and loud world we live in and to become grounded. To be in one's own company is a chance to engage with yourself on a deep and often spiritual level and to work through your thoughts.

Going outside of the comforting cocoon of our home and into nature, even for a short walk, can have really positive results. Often, it's easy to make excuses to ourselves of why we can not venture out. Either it's too cold, too hot, it’s raining too heavily, we’re not happy with our current appearance or simply we can not be bothered but if we push ourselves then we will have such a sense of achievement upon returning.

Whether it’s rambling woodland, a quaint park, a canal path or simply a walk around a housing estate, the benefits of being outdoors are scientifically proven time and time again for stress, mental and physical health. You won't have to speak to anyone if you don't feel up to it but usually, at least one passerby will bid you a pleasant good morning or a good afternoon or offer you a friendly smile and subconsciously we all need some form of connection with others.

Nourishing yourself from the inside is critical and even when we do not feel like eating anything at all and have lost our appetite, the old saying of ‘little and often comes to mind. Fruit, vegetables, and soups are ideal because as well as hardly any preparation involved, we are still able to harvest some essential and much-needed nutrients from them.

Getting enough sleep can be difficult and the lack of sleep leaves us feeling exhausted for the next day and in turn, can become a vicious circle. Sleep if and when you can. Wind down in the evening with a warm bath, a soothing drink, and try reading a chapter or two of a book or listening to a sleep-inducing meditation. Minimise electricals in the bedroom and resist the temptation to spend hours on social media accounts as the aim is to relax your mind.

Finally, be kind in the way you speak to yourself and your inner dialogues. Life can be tough and sometimes it's impossible to see any light at the end of the tunnel but I can tell you, you are here for a reason, whatever you are going through will pass and you are not alone.

It's just as therapeutic but it's equally important to keep the memories positive and not to let our minds wander to unpleasant ones