When Mercury Retrogrades…
I recently exclaimed to anyone that would listen, “Why is everything going wrong?!”
The answer was quite clear. It was Mercury in retrograde which is when it appears that Mercury is travelling backwards and all kinds of mayhem can then persist, predominantly in technology, communications and travel.
Luckily it only lasts for three or four weeks at a time but it happens several times a year.
I am many things but an astrologer I am not. However, there is definitely something to be said for this science of the stars and planets and how they are aligned can affect a person's character, personality and life events based on when and where they were born.
I am Aries with Virgo rising and the moon in Aquarius if anyone is wondering!
Anyway, in the last few weeks, during ‘ retrograde season’, I had so many things go wrong that never usually go wrong, in rapid succession that I wondered what was happening.
Firstly, my washing machine became faulty not once but twice . Luckily it has an extended warranty but it was an inconvenience having to wait several days for the repairman to come and fix it.
Then my dryer broke and I am still awaiting the repairman.
I had an appointment made with a man who was going to place a new vinyl floor in my bathroom but he rescheduled the appointment for the middle of July. I then developed an annoying plumbing problem in the bathroom.
A different man was booked to put a new floor in my hallway but he cancelled it saying it had not arrived on time so that is now hopefully being completed in the forthcoming week instead.
A parcel I returned has gone astray and a letter I have been expecting for a while still hasn't arrived.
I had a recipe on a leaflet that I was keen to try and as I had this leaflet for a couple of weeks, I decided to go and get the ingredients, which I did. The recipe leaflet unfortunately was never to be seen again so I didn't get the chance to make it.
Various miscommunications between friends have happened with people tending to jump to the wrong conclusions or being misinformed.
On a positive note, the one thing I can not complain about is travel, simply because I haven't done any but I noticed that I was constantly misplacing my car keys almost every day.
It has all given me something to really think about and I will look forward in trepidation to the next retrograde which is at the end of September because I will be interested to see if there will be any replay of last month's mishaps. To be forewarned is to be forearmed!