Are Angels Real?

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This is a question that I have been asked many, many times especially when I have been providing angel or tarot readings but it has occasionally arisen during casual conversation.

Essentially, an angel is a spiritual being and serves God, Universe, a Higher Power, Source ...or whatever you prefer to identify with. They are good and pure and reside in the highest realms yet are easily accessible to us.

As an angel therapist, I am already fully aware of the presence of angels and the comfort, healing and inspiration they can offer so I require no convincing whatsoever, but to some people, angels are merely in story books, on Christmas trees or in school nativity plays. Some specific and personal encounters will be discussed in depth in future articles.

A survey carried out in 2019 discovered that an astonishing 1 in 3 of us believe in angels and have had some sort of spiritual encounter involving them. This is literally quite staggering but undeniably confirms the recent growth in people's search for spiritual enlightenment and a need for a deeper understanding. Belief in angels and associated angel therapies and readings currently holds as much relevance as astrology, tarot, mediumship, psychic readings and reiki and can often intertwine.

Angels appear in many holy books such as the Bible, Quran and Torah. Recognition has been strengthened as interest in religions became more widespread throughout the world.

There is an angel hierarchy that I won't delve into now as it can become complicated but to put it simply, there are three “spheres”of angels that then in turn contain a further three “choirs”. Generally speaking, it is the third choir of the third sphere that acts as messengers for humans. Also, to complicate things even more,  each of us has a guardian angel that was assigned to us at birth. They do not judge or ever abandon you but consistently offer help and guidance and are with you all throughout your lifetime.

Angels communicate with us in a variety of ways which are unique to each individual. Some people are lucky enough to see an angel but mostly they will give signs through coincidences, synchronicities, repeated numbers, finding feathers or coins, hearing faint chiming, tinkling or bells, hearing angelic choirs, seeing auras of beautiful colours in the shape of an angel cloud formations or even a chance encounter with a stranger that has a profound significance.

Although usually portrayed as either male or female, some believe angels to be androgynous which means having both male and female characteristics, therefore identifying as neither male or female, just purity.

Connecting with angels is easier than you may think. All you have to do is ask! It really is as simple as that and I can guarantee you will be glad you did. They want to help you but have no wish to interfere so need an invitation first. I suggest asking something similar to this… “ Angels of the highest good, please can you help me with….” or “Angels of the highest good, please send me a sign so I know you are there please.” You will get your answer or sign, maybe not straight away or in the manner you expected, but you will receive it, I promise you. Requesting angels of the “highest good” allows in only the virtuous angels that have your best interests at heart. Any unpleasant energies will not be permitted.

I personally, have had many angelic encounters which at the beginning of my spiritual journey I would attribute to coincidence but the more I asked, the more I got and I would be extremely specific and often quite random in asking for certain things but I have never been disappointed. As I have mentioned above, more on this soon...

Last but not least, showing genuine gratitude is of great importance so never forget those two polite little words. Thank you!


Kindness… is it good enough?


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