Jordan Lawson Jordan Lawson

Christmas Present or Christmas Past?

Christmas is almost upon us once again. Time ticks by without us realising until we are starkly reminded that yet another year has been and gone.

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Jordan Lawson Jordan Lawson

Bereavement - A Personal Experience

I have been noticing a lot of people discussing the grieving process after a bereavement and as this is something that I have experienced numerous times, I have decided to touch upon the subject.

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Jordan Lawson Jordan Lawson

Mental Health And Self Care

According to the Mind mental health charity, a staggering one in four people experience a mental health problem each year, such as anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, panic disorders, bipolar, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorders, phobias and post-traumatic stress disorders.

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Jordan Lawson Jordan Lawson


Being ‘grateful’ is quite fashionable at the moment and there are so very many articles, books, courses and websites that are exclusively dedicated to the art of gratitude. We are told to write in our gratitude journal first thing each morning, to exclaim out loud for what we are grateful for and then to do the same at bed time whilst maintaining an air of gratitude throughout the day.

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Jordan Lawson Jordan Lawson

Relationships: The Narcissist and his Golden Child

Anyone who has been involved with a narcissist is acutely aware of his many perverted and distorted views. This is apparent also in his own immediate circle of people including his own children and often they choose one child as their ‘Golden Child’.

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Jordan Lawson Jordan Lawson

Narcissistic Abuse ~ The Love Bombing Phase

Love bombing is when he will literally smother you with affection, constant text messages declaring his love, compliments, gifts, restaurants, days out, holidays and all manner of romantic surprises.

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Jordan Lawson Jordan Lawson

What is an Empath?

Empaths are highly sensitive people who emotionally absorb these energies, whether they are positive or negative and tend to hold on to them. Empaths sense and actually take on these feelings as though they were their own and are extremely intuitive.

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Jordan Lawson Jordan Lawson

When Mercury Retrogrades…

I recently exclaimed to anyone that would listen, “Why is everything going wrong?!” The answer was quite clear. It was Mercury in retrograde which is when it appears that Mercury is travelling backwards and all kinds of mayhem can then persist, predominantly in technology, communications and travel. 

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